My 19 year old son and dyslexia
Posted on 12th December 2018 at 11:27
My 19 year old son after failing AS level and 2 year BTec due to major disorganization problems -bad timekeeping - etc etc - I finally took him for a private Ed psych assessment
I finally took him for a private Ed psych assessment has been diagnosed with dyslexia and mild add. Nothing picked up at primary except a reluctance to read. The thing is my son can read however we now know he cannot comprehend what he reads. High school I was bombarded with behavioral emails -disorganized-not achieving his target A grades. Constant criticism which I then relayed this message about underachieving - not being motivated - I put it down to difficult teenager and in my heart was thinking he had add. He went off the rails from 14 onwards. It has been a struggle.
I knew if I didn't write up his revision no tes for gcse he would fail - his words were I can't be bothered - I sat and read those notes to him. He achieved his A,b,c grades. School still insisted it was behavior problem and he could stay on and do A levels however if he carried on as before he wouldn't make it and he didn't. He had a terrible attitude. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Moving forward - we now have a diagnosis from an Ed psych. I'm reeling in guilt and thinking how the hec did I not pick this up - how couldn't I see it - why didn't the educators at school see it - now he has switched off to education.
I am now sending him privately to a psychologist to try and undo all the negative feedback from me and the school to try and engage him in education again -So baby steps forward. This is a work in progress.
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